Saturday 19 May 2012

Cara Buat Kek Paling Senang ♥

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh :)

Pada suatu hari, err saya takde apa nak dibuat sekarang tau, saya sangat boring wahai encik belog. diary pulak tak bawak kat umah wan ni T.T and Facebook nowadays was just out of control. lots of 'drama' maybe. hehe.

so i just wanna share something, kinda my favourite hobby which is baking. alhamdulillah, today i have succesfully made a cake. just a simple and basic cake to spend my free time wisely :p with no decoration etc. but more than least actually. especially to see 'them' eating and finishing my cakes until no crumbs left. hee. i officially name it as "Kek Lemon Rindu". saya memang jiwang. so what? jiwang tu best and plus, being hurt is not funny. you might not want to try it. kan kan? :) haha~

ika nak share cara cara nak buat kek yang awesome and sangat mudah ni dengan followers semua :* 
*berlakon jadi tukang masak kat TV kalau tengah masak sorang2 kat rumah*

hmm. untuk kek yang basic ni awak cuma perlukan tepung kek. ika guna Pillsbury Cake Flour. tepung ni memang best sangat kalau nak buat batter apa2 pun. sangat moist and cantik berkilat :*

and then awak perlukan shortening or minyak sayuran. boleh guna minyak jagung or minyak bunga matahari. saya guna minya mazola sebab sedap dan berkilat jugak :*

pastu kena ada 3 biji telur ayam dengan secawan air bersih. gula secukup rasa. and lemon extract yang dah sebatikan dengan tepung kek tu. 

bosan kan cerita panjang2, meh nengok gambo meh~ :)
 awak masukkan tepung dalam bekas. anggaran dalam empat cawan untuk satu family. cukup :)

then masukan air satu cawan and lemon extract. kacau sebati tau :* agak dalam 3 minit awak masukkan shortening tadi. kacau lagi~
bila dah rupa macam ni awak masukkan pula telur. kacau kacau kacau lagiii~ sampai kembang! sambil2 tu awak panaskan oven pada suhu 350 F (bagi yang oven guna Degree Celcius, 350 F = 180 C)
 okay, bila agak kembang, gebu, licin berkilat begini rasanya dah okay kot :)
tuangkan adunan tadi dalam loyang tau. but before that, kena oleskan permukaan loyang tu dengan shortening sikit untuk elakkan kek awak melekat lepas masak nanti.
bake bake bake~ yey~ awak masak dalam 40 minit. lepas 40 mnit awak nak pastikan kek tu dah masak or tak awak just ambil lidi yang halus dan bersih, cucukkan kat tetengah kek tu, kalau lepas keluarkan lidi tu dia bersih tanpa ada apa2 melekat kat lidi means kek awak dah masak :)
tadaaaaaaaa~ siap da kek awak kan. senang je kan kan? sebenarnya ada bahagia dalam setiap proses menyiapkan kek tu. and just one bite could brighten your day and make your sweet lips to smileeeeeeeee :) you'll look prettier, dear :) cubalah :p

sebenarnya ika ade banyak lagi resepi nak di share kan ni, especially chocolates. tapi ade dalam diary. insyaAllah lepas balik rumah maybe saya buat. boleh la bawak balik jengka nanti. hee. to be clear, benda ni bukan dan tidak sama sekali berniat untuk menunjuk2 atau riak. ini hanyalah sekadar berkongsi hobi and my passion bersama kekawan yang ada hobi sama. bersihkan hati tau tauu, husnu dzon selalu sayangg~ :) jazakallu khair jaza'. wasalam alaik :) 

#sape baik hati bole hadiahkan saya mixer ngan chiller, isk isk :(

Friday 18 May 2012

Soooo Sweeeeeeeeettt ♥


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Why Do Man Needs A Wife? 


nobody knows you the way she do.

nobody can read your eyes the way she see.

nobody can feel your soul the way she touch.

nobody owns your heart the way she hold.

Nobody, But Her ♥ 

she will never leave you alone when you're sad. 

will ask you to leave your bad habits everyday. everytime.

will fight with you on small matters but won't keep the anger for long.

will make you money-wise.

will say don't worry. even if there's lot to worry or nothing to worry.

will make you punctual.

will talk to you all day to know what you're doing.


you might feel bugged at times but thruth is you can't do anything without her :)

as girls are special gift. realize their worth and take care of them :')


#its not about finding someone who wont fight with you or wont make you sad or mad. its about finding the person who'll still be standing there, wiping the tears away. holding you in their arms after a fight :p
and the one who'll NEVER EVER leave. no matter how hard things can get! 

I LOVE MY JAWJI~ heee ^_^ 

Sunday 6 May 2012

Sebuah Pengakuan

Oh Tuhan, aku bukanlah ahli surga
Juga tak mampu menahan siksa neraka

Kabulkan taubat ampuni dosa-dosaku
Hanyalah Engkau pengampun dosa hamba-Mu

Dosa-dosaku tak terhitung bagai debu
Ya Illahi terimalah amal taubatku

Sisa umurku berkurang setiap hari
Dosa-dosaku makin bertambah Yaa Illahi

Hamba yang berdosa datang bersimpuh
Mengaku menyeru dan memohon ampunan-Mu


Syair ini disusun oleh seorang wali Allah yang termahsyur di Zaman dinasti Abasiah Al-Mansur di kota Bagdad Iraq.

# I know You were there ya Allah. I know You see my tears. I know You hear my prayers. I know You are testing me. And all I asked from You is to strengthen my Imaan so that I can handle the struggles in my life. And have patience.  I love You my Lord. My Allah. Please keep me safe. Aamiin Ya Mujeeb~ ♥ 

Friday 4 May 2012

Do You Know Who I Am?

A boy said to his father: I saw a girl and I want to marry her. She is so beautiful and she has gorgeous eyes.
The father answered his son: Of course son, let’s ask for her hand in marriage.

When the father saw the girl, He admired her beauty and he told his son: You don’t deserve this girl, she needs someone who has experience in life and she can depend on, someone like me.

The boy was surprised by the attitude of his father and he told him : She will marry me, not you.

They started to fight and finally they decided both to go to the police station to solve their problem.

When they tell their story to the police officer. he told them: Bring the girl so we can ask her about her opinion about this.

When the officer saw the beauty of the girl he said to the boy and his father: You both don’t deserve her, she needs someone who has prestige like me.

The 3 men started a fight and decided to go to the minister to solve their problem. When the minister saw the girl, he said: She deserves to be married with a minister like me.

The prince heard about their problem and call them all to help them solve it but and when he saw the girl he said: This girl will marry me.

All the 5 men started to fight. Finally, the girl said “I have the solution! I will start to run and whoever catches me first, he will be my husband”. When she started to run, the boy, his father, the police officer, the minister and the prince started to run to catch her. Suddenly the 5 men fell into a deep hole.

The girl looked to them from the top and she said “did you know who am I?”

I am the Dunya THE LIFE!!

People want to run to catch me, they are racing to have me.
By doing that, they forget their religion,
until they end up in their grave and won’t have me....!!!